
The purpose of the OSC implementation in Horae is remote control and status monitoring of the clock, not distribution or syncing of/to timecode.

To distribute timecode over the network, consider to open a MIDI network session with the Audio MIDI Setup utility of your Mac.

This is a list of the commands the OSC server is listening to:

OSC Command Param Description
/horae/transport/play f Start playback when parameter is >0.0
/horae/transport/stop f Stop playback when parameter is >0.0
/horae/speed f Playback rate in % -2.0..2.0
/horae/arm f Arm clock to external sync when parameter is >0.0 , disarm when parameter is 0.0
/horae/preroll f Preroll on when parameter is >0.0 , off when parameter is 0.0
/horae/marker/goto f Goto next marker when parameter is 1.0 , previous when parameter is -1.0
/horae/marker/jump f Goto marker with specified index (first has index 1)
/horae/marker/add f Add a new marker when parameter is >.0
/horae/ltcfreewheel/stop f Stops all freewheeling LTC Readers, requires float paramter with any value